Friday, September 4, 2009

Tiaze Update

Okay, I am sorry that I have not updated sooner but though I have come to Taize by myself, I don't think I have spent more than 10 minutes alone. I have met an unreal amount of people from all over the world and do not think I have stopped talking since I arrived:) I have so enjoyed talking about faith, laughing, dancing, drinking cheap coffee, praying, and just being with people from Poland, Spain, Korea, Slovacia, New Zeland, US, Germany, and Austria. This has been exactly what I needed.

Here is what a typical day at Taize looks like,

8:15 Morning Prayer
9:00 Breakfast
10:00 Bible Introduction
11:00 Small group discussion
12:20 Midday Prayer followed by lunch
3:00 Cleaning (very optional if you're me:)
5:45 Workshops
7:00 Dinner
8:30 Evening prayer followed by night silence ( I got in trouble every night for being to loud)
8:30-12:30 singing, talking, and dancing to Jam sessions at Oyak (the only place where you are allowed to talk at night) or at Point 5 (another area to hang out).

Taize prayer is very reverant and is sung in many different languages...I must say that I am particularly bad at singing in German and Polish. I have enjoyed every aspect of this place...the solitude and the social time.

Unfortunately I cannot upload any pictuers but will try to as soon as I can. So thank you thank you thank you for all that have prayed that I would finally experience joy on this trip because I am now overflowing!!! This place has restored by hope in finding quality people who are my age. Funny because the first day I got here I was really nervous because I was alone and realized that I am not used to being around my peers. Back home most of my friends are so much older that I find safety in being with people who are not in my peer group. I also acknowledged the fact that I have feared my peers ever since High School where I felt that I didn't relate to people my own age often. Some say that I was more mature and still am, this is why so many of my friends are older and while this maybe true, I think the root of it is I fear rejection from my is safer with those who have passed through the years of young adulthood. So I prayed that this fear would be faced and overcome at Taize and wow, has it ever. I now know that there are other people my age that take their faith seriously but still let loose, have fun, and know how to party! THis is huge for me as I feel so much of my life I have swung from one side to the other...searching for others who have found balance. SO thank you for your prayers because they most definately were heard!!

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