Monday, May 10, 2010

Paris: More Then Just Myself

It has come to my attention that my last 2 posts have been primarily self focused, and while on every trip there is a personal journey that needs to be accounted for, on this occasion I have the privilege of sharing this journey with my dad. With buisness meetings starting tomorrow, my dad and I have had 2 wonderful days to ourselves, where we have walked for 9 hours and countless miles through Parisian ally-ways and river walks.

This morning we started our day off with a Cafe au Lait and some pastry's along the Champs de Elysee. Then we strolled along the bank Rein River passed the Louvre (I have been there before so don't scold me for not going in) and sat in on Mass at the Notre Dame Cathedral. Lunch consisted of another Cafe au Lait and a lovely Bre and Tomato Baguette at a quaint street side cafe where we sat and admired (and sometimes questioned) the Parisian fashions that past. We then walked another 5 or 6 miles to the Eiffle Tower and attempted at going up to the top, but both my dad and I are not particularly good at standing in line, so after 5 minutes of waiting we decided that it's always good to leave something to do for next time.

After some down time at our hotel, I once again put on faithful Ol'Red and we marche'd our way to dinner where I feasted on Salmon in a white wine cream sauce and dad had Veale in a mushroom sauce with Pomme de Frit. By this time our clock struck 9:30 pm, and our energy vanished quicker then Cinderella's Carriage forcing us to retire to the Golden Tulip, which is the cheesy and enchanting name of our hotel . And now dear readers, it is time for bed! Until tomorrow...Bon Soir.

1 comment:

  1. Now this just looks like fun all over. Enjoy mon amie!

