Saturday, August 29, 2009

On My Own

So in exactly 10 minutes I will be saying goodbye to the 4K's and heading off to catch 3 trains and 1 bus to the Taize Community just outside of Macon, France. Here I will be joining thousands of other young adults from all over the world in a century old Catholic retreat center that was originally made to hide Jews during WWII. I am very excited about this experience even though have to travel 26 hours straight. I will try and keep you updated throughout this next week but am not sure about Internet availability. Aside from a little aprehension regarding the length of travel and the fact that I will be going there alone amongst the 1000s of other people, I am looking forward to seeing and hearing what God has for me in this place.

Will Keep you posted


  1. I prayed for you on and off all night knowing the long hours of travel you have ahead of you today. I'm also praying that God will give you everything you 'need' to be able to experience him in a way you haven't before! Looking forward to hearing from you once you arrive.

  2. thank you soooooo much mom, you have no idea how much I needed it!!!!!
